Growing up, there was something about church that didn’t feel right to me. As I grew older, I began to judge those people as hypocrites. They were not true Christians, but they were judging others.
How many times did I hear that you would “go to hell” if you sinned, or that someone was bad because they did something wrong. It was a big gossip factory.
So, I quit going.
Ah, but what was I doing? I was judging; I was not accepting. I was doing just the same as they were doing. I have concluded, we’re all hypocrites until we can accept everyone for who they are and what they are.
It’s a challenge I face every day – heck, every minute – based on my observations, my experience and my stereotypes.
I look at what the new testament/Jesus says: peace, love and acceptance. How does that get misconstrued, in my opinion into wars, hate and exclusion?
But, it does. I judge that, hence I am caught in this Cycle of Hypocrisy. To get out, you need to be pure. The Dalai Lama seems pure to me.