Monthly Archives: December 2009

The Gay Judgmental Factor

Although I’m not gay (not sure why I have to say that), it is apparent to me that judgmental interpretations (of the Bible and other religious documents) about this are directly opposed to what those documents teach. What’s up with that? If the lessons are – peace, love and acceptance, then how can churches exclude based on comments like “the bible says”? A church that accepts gays, to me, is a church I want to belong to – because that means they’ll accept me, even if I’m not gay. I won’t be judged.  Of course, I’m also in the Cycle of Hypocrisy myself – judging those churches that judge. Egad, … Continue reading

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Fire Metaphor

Isn’t building a fire a great metaphor?  It will keep you warm if you build it correctly – if you continue to feed it – if you don’t let it get out of hand and burn you – if you respect it.

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The Cycle of Hypocrisy

Growing up, there was something about church that didn’t feel right to me.  As I grew older, I began to judge those people as hypocrites. They were not true Christians, but they were judging others. How many times did I hear that you would “go to hell” if you sinned, or that someone was bad because they did something wrong. It was a big gossip factory. So, I quit going. Ah, but what was I doing?  I was judging; I was not accepting. I was doing just the same as they were doing. I have concluded, we’re all hypocrites until we can accept everyone for who they are and what … Continue reading

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Buddhism and golf just seem to go together.  And, the story about bringing them together can be both fact and fiction.  I’m not preaching religion, just depicting mythology.  How do we reach our inner spirit?  Not through story, but through actions. Golf gives us this opportunity, as it’s the only sport I’ve ever played that I can get better at, without practicing.  Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice to get better at golf. It means, that by thinking about the game – watching the game – and provoking the game’s silence and mental acuity, you can mindfully improve your game. It is the dichotomy of knowing and doing.  … Continue reading

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Loving rainy days as well as sunny days, and the cloudy days in between. Love our neighbors, any color or socio-economic status and all in between.  Appreciation of the sunny days becomes more acute knowing how raining days are.  Appreciation for rainy days comes because you know it will make the sunny days more potent.

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Co-creating: In the future, this blog will feature notes that will be used in the upcoming book

TENZIN GYATSO, THE 14TH DALAI LAMA: We can see that all the desirable experiences that we cherish or aspire to attain are dependent upon cooperation and interaction with other sentient beings.

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